Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cloth Diapers - Oh, My!

So I finally talked Nick into letting my buy some cloth diapers for Charlie. I have been talking about cloth diapering since before he was born, but I was blessed with an awesome dad who could get us disposable diapers from his job. And since FREE is better then costing money, we went with the sposies. Now that he can't get them for us anymore, I have my excuse to try out some cloth!

I ended up getting some random things off of and the cloth diaper swap on Yes, they are USED, and yes, that is okay...That is what detergent is made for! I got a little of everything:

1 dozen new prefolds from Little Lions, which I had to prep (that was an experience...)
2 Thirsties Duo covers
2 Thirsties regular covers (I think these are too big...I guess I might hang on to them for later)
1 BumGenius pocket
2 Sunbaby pockets
2 Flip covers

With the covers, you use either a folded prefold diaper or insert on the inside. If the cover is not dirty when baby needs a change, you can just put a new insert/prefold inside the same cover. Less laundry, but more difficult. With the pockets, you stuff an insert into a pocket on the diaper and use it just like a disposable, but more laundry. I think Nick will probably like those better...

So I tried both with Charlie today, and the pockets are definitely easier, but the prefolds are more absorbent. I had quite a time trying to figure out how to put a prefold on a squirming, screaming baby! I think the pockets might be the way to go, maybe with an extra insert... I really want to figure out the prefold thing, though. They just seem way too big...

Charlie in a Sunbaby (with lunch on the floor in the background)

Cutie Booty

Isn't he adorable?!

Oh, well! Here's to learning new things!

Now I'm off to go wake up my child and put a disposable diaper on him for overnight...I am SO not ready to try to figure out how to work the nighttime thing yet...

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